Why your office coffee machine needs to be smart

CoffeeCloud management system for TopBrewers

The Future Workplace

Improve Efficiencies

Get Smart

The future workplace

The evolving smart workplace

Smart and IoT technology is becoming much more commonplace in the workplace. Do you have lighting that can be controlled by app? Or perhaps your workplace has sensors that allow you to see on a screen or app where there are available desks to work throughout the office? Sensors and cameras can help monitor how and when the building is being used, and this precise data can help organisations better manage the space. For the individual, smart technology can help improve the wellbeing and happiness of employees, as things like air quality, heating, lighting and comfort can all be monitored and controlled so they are delivered at the optimum levels. Smart buildings are becoming more common and smart cities aren’t far off, so now is the time to start investing in the future-proof tech that will see you through the technological revolution.


Some of the most valuable benefits are avoiding the use of guesswork, improving efficiencies and saving energy. IoT drives smart systems and your office coffee machines should be no different. But not all coffee machines are created equal. As we become increasingly reliant on technology, and with the powerful data that can be captured and utilised to improve the workplace experience, it’s vital that your office coffee machine is smart and connected.

TopBrewer close up with drink being poured

CoffeeCloud - TopBrewer's cloud management system

CoffeeCloud - TopBrewer's cloud management system, shown on laptop screen

Improve Efficiencies

Better operational management

IoT and smart coffee machines, such as TopBrewer, are an excellent addition from an operational perspective. Similar to other smart tech, smart coffee machines can be integrated into your building’s systems and can provide valuable data for your team to improve operational time management. Smart coffee machines can provide important data related to the usage of the machine, including (but not limited to) the last time the machine was cleaned, whether the coffee beans or milk need to be refilled and and when the quiet and busy periods are. Operationally, this can be used to optimise efficiencies with the management of the machines.

Save energy

Introducing smart coffee machines can save money and reduce energy usage by reducing power consumption of unused devices. It’s estimated that buildings consume about 30% of the world’s energy, so any reductions that can be made in energy consumption will not only benefit the business, but will also benefit the environment. 

Inform strategic decisions

From a management perspective, the data and insights offered by smart and IoT-enabled coffee machines can help make pertinent financial and strategic decisions, such as the decision to invest in another smart coffee machine in another area of the office

Multiple site overview

Smart coffee machines are particularly valuable when you have numerous offices spread over several sites, as it gives the ability to manage a fleet of machines from one centralised location.

Real time data & insights

How many coffees have you served? What are employees favourite drinks? With a smart coffee machine this data is available in realtime to provide useful insights.

Proactive service

A smart coffee machine can send valuable data and insights direct to maintenance engineers, who can use the technical data to provide a proactive service. Enabling engineers to see, and fix, a potential issue before you have even realised there is a problem.

iPhone showing CoffeeCloud screen

Get smart

Get smart with TopBrewer & CoffeeCloud

TopBrewer takes smart coffee machine technology to the next level and has been designed to be a truly future-proof asset. The high-tech app control, with the user-friendly and intuitive interface, and its CoffeeCloud management system help it stand out from the crowd as a super-smart coffee machine. It’s state-of-the-art cloud management system, CoffeeCloud, offers real-time data and insights for clients, as well as smart tools they can use to optimise output. Operationally, this can be used to optimise efficiencies with the management of the machines. This is particularly important when clients have numerous TopBrewers that can often be spread over several sites, as it gives the ability to manage a fleet of machines from one central location. 


The valuable data and insights are also fed back to TopBrewer engineers, who use the technical data to provide a proactive service. Thanks to the innovative CoffeeCloud system, TopBrewers with WiFi connection receive regular software updates. This ensures TopBrewer clients are all receiving the same, first-class experience, whether their machine has been installed for 8 years or 8 days.  The technical insights and data offered through CoffeeCloud, combined with the specialty-grade, premium coffee used by TopBrewer customers across the UK and Ireland, mean that TopBrewer is leading the way in high-quality, great-tasting smart coffee machines.

Let us help to elevate your office coffee experience

Find out how the stylish and sustainable TopBrewer is the right choice for your business. Fill in your details and one of our team will be in touch.

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