Creating a Destination Workplace: Technology

We’ve come a long way technologically in the last decade, and the global Covid-19 pandemic has taken this technological revolution to a new level, with many businesses being forced to fast-track new products, features and technology to help customers navigate the post-Covid world.

CoffeeCloud - TopBrewer's cloud management system, shown on laptop screen

Office tech

Touchless coffee

Remote management

Office tech

We’ve come a long way technologically in the last decade, with many new technologies being introduced that only a few years ago felt like they’d been plucked straight from a sci-fi film. The global Covid-19 pandemic has taken this technological revolution to a new level, with many businesses being forced to fast-track new products, features and technology to help customers navigate the post-Covid world.

As a result of the pandemic, we’re seeing a surge in app and voice control technology, and it’s likely that this touchless technology will become the norm. As well as being a way to eliminate the need to touch buttons and reduce contact with shared surfaces, appliances or services with app or voice control play a vital role in improving accessibility. For those with disabilities or motor impairments, touchless technology (voice control in particular) can play a huge part in removing barriers that may stop individuals living an independent life. 

The touchless technology trend is showing no signs of slowing, and the market is projected to reach a staggering 15.3 billion USD by 2025. Touchless technology will impact every area of our lives, but when it comes to the workplace it will become especially important. As well as smart buildings with touchless technology being more conducive to a safer workplace destination, technology can be used throughout the office (and building) to improve the employee experience and make the office a more enjoyable and safe place to be, which is particularly important when trying to encourage the workforce back to the office. 

Technologies designed to enhance the workplace experience and improve workplace safety will touch every aspect of our daily lives, from how we turn on lights to how we make our coffee, and touchless technology is just a small part of the changes we can expect to see. 

TopBrewer coffee app at NinetyOne

As a result of the pandemic, we’re seeing a surge in app and voice control technology

TopBrewer coffee machine operated by Siri

Touchless coffee

One vital part of the office experience is the coffee machine. Whilst being something that you can expect to find in almost every workplace throughout the UK & Ireland, its importance can often be overlooked, but it shouldn’t be left out of your plans to make your space the best it can be.

TopBrewer is the smartest coffee machine available, and is equipped with the latest technology to enable a smart, efficient, touchless, sustainable and accessible coffee solution that is miles ahead of alternative solutions. 

TopBrewer’s app-control technology is designed for personal use through the user’s own smartphone or smart device, allowing them to customise their barista-quality coffee to meet their exact taste through the free, intuitive app, all at a safe difference and without the need to touch shared surfaces or buttons. After 10 years as the leading smart and connected coffee experience, in June 2020 we took touchless coffee to the next level with the launch of TopBrewerVoice. TopBrewerVoice enables voice control through Siri shortcuts, meaning TopBrewer users can order their favourite TopBrewer app using only their voice.

CoffeeCloud management system for TopBrewer coffee machines

Remote management

Withs social distancing affecting all aspects of our lives for the foreseeable future, TopBrewer’s cloud management tool, CoffeeCloud, gives TopBrewer customers peace of mind that their TopBrewer is taken care of from a safe distance. CoffeeCloud gives TopBrewer customers real-time data and insights so they can monitor the machine’s usage, for example when the machine was last cleaned, when the machine is busiest, the most popular drinks and more. As well as useful performance data, our team of technicians and engineers can securely access the machine’s diagnostic data and assist with remote fixes without needing to carry out unnecessary site visits. CoffeeCloud gives you an advanced digital overview of your coffee business that you can access remotely, and enables a smarter, faster and pro-active service to minimise downtime and keep you in control.

Through TopBrewer’s digitally-driven and vertically integrated platform, we are able to send software and firmware updates remotely and over-the-air. The TopBrewer platform is constantly evolving and improve as we strive to be at the forefront of innovation, and our clients can be confident that we will rapidly deploy new features to ensure they are always receiving a first-class experience. Our approach is in contrast with conventional coffee machines that depreciate and degrade over time. We believe in investing in a dynamic and sustainable asset once, allowing you to de-risk your investment and have confidence that your TopBrewer will outperform and outlast conventional alternatives.

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many companies, including us, to fast-track new technologies to improve the customer experience, and we’re thrilled to be in BETA testing of BaristaDJ. BaristaDJ will enable our support staff to make physical changes to your machine settings remotely over the air.

Investing in smart technology adds the overall asset value and isn’t something that depreciates over time. An investment in future proof and dynamic assets that are able to able to grow and evolve with your business ensures that you are able to make the most of the latest tech without the cost and environmental impact of replacing them. The next-gen office will be smart and connected, and ready to respond to our needs to make the office a desirable and safe place to be.

CoffeeCloud by Scanomat

Revolutionise your workplace coffee experience

Find out how the stylish and sustainable TopBrewer is the right choice for your business. Fill in your details and one of our team will be in touch.

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