3 top tips for delivering a great office coffee experience

Office Coffee

Strategic Coffee Points

Coffee as an Experience

The Office Coffee Champion


Office Coffee

Office coffee can be a mine field, and getting it right isn’t always easy, but a great coffee experience is vital for any business in order to attract and retain talent, as well as impress guests.

Since 2008, daily coffee consumption has soared from 70 million to 95 million cups per day and office coffee consumption in Europe is estimated to be worth around £2BN. 

Driven by this growing demand, offering a high-quality in-house coffee experience to employees and guests is becoming a top priority as businesses seek to create positive workplace environments and keep staff on site.

Here are 3 top tips to get the most out of your office coffee experience.

Strategic Coffee Points

For today’s knowledge workers, the workplace and coffee go hand in hand. We head for a cup of coffee as soon as we get to work, and use coffee breaks throughout the day to grab a few minutes away from our desk and workload.  From a scientific point of view, studies have shown that a well designed and strategically placed office coffee machine has many social and productivity benefits. The right office coffee scene can create a natural social hub for colleagues to catch up, collaborate and share ideas whilst enjoying their favourite beverage.

  • Top Tip 1: Positioning the coffee machine at the centre of a breakout space acts as a great anchor point to bring people together.
Co-working at BE Offices with coffee from TopBrewer

The right office coffee scene can create a natural social hub for colleagues to catch up, collaborate and share ideas

Coffee Experience

In order to stand out, it’s important to look at how coffee can tie into the overall employee experience. A recent study carried out by Deloitte found that nearly 80% of employees found the employee experience to be important. Similarly, a Harvard Business Review study found that companies that invest in the employee experience consistently outperform those that don’t. This highlights the importance of the whole experience, and offering a unique coffee experience isn’t only a bonus for employees, it can have a tangible effect on performance and productivity.

  • Top Tip 2: Treat office coffee as an experience and not just a mandatory service or after thought.

TopBrewer close up with drink being poured

The right coffee offering will help you stand out from your competitors and offer a memorable and valuable experience

Capco TopBrewer installation, showing TopBrewer at front and colleagues chatting in the background

Coffee Champion

Any office needs a coffee champion. That is someone who is responsible for keeping the coffee machine cleaned, operational and topped up with fresh coffee beans & milk. A badly maintained coffee machine will create bad coffee so providing autonomy to an individual or team is a great way to ensure the coffee experience is perfect every time.

  • Top Tip 3: Defining an office coffee champion is a great way to ensure your office coffee machine is being well looked after and maintained.
Pouring Amokka Crema beans into TopBrewer


TopBrewer – Encouraging conversations over great coffee

The world of coffee in the workplace and hospitality environments has changed drastically in recent years and will continue to adapt to the consumer’s wants and needs, so its importance shouldn’t be undervalued. Getting the offering right will help you stand out from your competitors and offer a memorable and valuable experience.


Historically, coffee machines have been big, bulky and noisy, and often they’re hidden away in the corner of the room. However, the sleek, minimalist design of TopBrewer can act as a focal point in your space, serving top-quality coffee to clients and employees in a unique and memorable way. The über-quiet brew unit means it won’t impact conversations or hinder work productivity. The ability to completely personalise your drink using the TopBrewer app also adds to the experience, and allows consumers to choose a drink that will suit their exact taste.



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